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electromagnetic wave equation中文是什么意思

用"electromagnetic wave equation"造句"electromagnetic wave equation"怎么读"electromagnetic wave equation" in a sentence


  • 麦克斯韦方程组


  • Electromagnetic wave equation in anisotropic media
  • The first place , though analyzing between the sound approximately equation and the electromagnetic wave equation , we get the similarities in the form of equation . based on these , we can easily take the migration theories and methods of reflection seismic into gpr ' s
    本论文的核心内容包括: ( 1 )通过对声波波动方程和电磁波波动方程对比分析,根据它们波动方程在形式上的一致性,建立将广泛应用于地震勘探中的偏移技术引入到gpr数据处理中的理论基础。
用"electromagnetic wave equation"造句  


The electromagnetic wave equation is a second-order partial differential equation that describes the propagation of electromagnetic waves through a medium or in a vacuum. It is a three-dimensional form of the wave equation.
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